If you’ve continuously operated off the beaten path, you probably won’t settle for conventional methods to work on your finances.
Since we live in this wacky internet age, it’s easier than ever to earn money online in weird ways.
Whether you’re looking to make extra cash or gunning for a million dollars in your bank account, all it takes is innovation and luck.
If you refuse to live a lackluster work life, check out the following ideas.
At the very least, you could finish this article with some inspiration in your back pocket.
Let’s get weird!
Weirdest Ways To Make Money In 2023
Not all of us are cut out to be corporate drones, so I say it’s worthwhile to check out weird ways to make a living.
Who knows?
You might be able to ditch that day job and do something you love!
Invest In Collectible Assets With Rally
Want to make money without a job?
Rally is a great place to invest in some of the world’s rarest items like original first edition books, Baseball cards owned by Hall of Famers, vintage cars driven by Hollywood royalty, Rolex watches owned by icons, etc.
Investing in these collectible assets helps you build a portfolio over time that pays off.
Join Rally and invest in your passions.
Talk To Other People’s Deceased Pets
Can you talk to beings from the “other side?”
If so, you can make good money connecting folks to their loved ones who have passed away.
But did you know that dead animals can connect with the living from beyond the grave?
Clairvoyants like Lisa Miller make a living helping bereaved pet owners reach out to their departed pets.
Grief makes people do unusual things, and seeking the services of clairvoyants is one of them.
Some psychics charge upwards of $200 as a channel between dead pets and grief-stricken pet owners.
Gamble With Your Weight
Folks looking to shed a few pounds can try signing up for a service like HealthyWage, which allows users to establish weight loss targets and wager against themselves.
Let’s say you want to shed ten pounds.
You’d decide how much you’re willing to risk and then try your hardest to lose 10 pounds by the deadline.
You will be compensated if you lose weight by that time.
You will lose money if you do not.
That’s all there is to it.
You have the option of joining team challenges or going through them alone.
This is one of the funnier ways to make money while living a healthier lifestyle.
Go Through Sensitive Content For Google
Someone needs to keep an eye on dubious YouTube videos.
According to a BuzzFeed article, one man was forced to watch “sensitive stuff,” which included films about pornography, suicide, and bestiality.
He worked alone and finally required counseling.
After a year as a Google contractor, he had to choose between being fired or being employed full-time.
They let him depart and recommended that he continue his counseling.
This could be your job if you have an iron stomach and enjoy watching gory or disturbing content.
Monetize Your Friendship
Companionship peddler RentAFriend is still up and running after many years on the internet.
It still claims that willing “friends” can earn up to $50 an hour for their company.
Plus, as a paid friend, you can enjoy complimentary meals, tickets, and goodies.
Before worrying about what you’ll have to do, remember that this is strictly a platonic friendship website.
Sell Weird Toilet Paper
Yup, you read that right.
People will pay to have their bathrooms adorned with wacky toilet paper.
Rolls decorated with games, exciting patterns, and vibrant colors are among the strangest toilet papers.
More variations, such as toilet paper printed with household advice and other reading material, have massive potential in this market.
After all, it’s nice to have reading material while you’re on the throne, even if you forget your phone.
Work As A Human Guinea Pig
No, I don’t mean acting like an actual Guinea Pig (although there might also be a market for that).
I mean working as a test subject for various studies.
The money is usually low, but an oddly lucrative offer will occasionally pop up.
For example, there was a time when $5,000 was up for grabs for staying in bed for a month.
Sell Your Lucious Locks

People are willing to pay hundreds of dollars, if not thousands, for “virgin” hair.
Long hair extensions are in high demand, and wig sellers continually look for natural hair to provide their consumers with more realistic alternatives.
You’ll need at least 6 inches of hair to sell, and it must be clean, strong, and lustrous.
In addition, your hair should be free of dyes and treatments.
You can earn more money with an uncommon but natural hair color.
Before cutting your hair, ask a wig seller for an initial public offering price.
Pick Up Doggie Doo – Weirdest Ways To Make Money
I can’t imagine anyone loving this, but many companies offer to clean up dog excrement in people’s yards.
If you’re unsure if you’re ready to start your own business, Doody Calls is now hiring.
If you don’t mind the dirty work and enjoy keeping a clean yard, this is a weird way to make extra cash.
Catch Some Z’s For Cash
I’m sure most of us have fantasized about getting paid to sleep.
Well, it turns out that you can!
People are paid to engage in sleep studies, which is the ultimate kind of passive income.
EachNight is presently paying $1,500 for a 30-day sleep study.
That implies you can earn money while improving your health and wellness by catching extra Z’s.
You can even earn extra money sleeping by participating in sleep research at local clinics.
Look for paid sleep prospects on local message boards and in university courses.
Make People Laugh
I’m not talking about being a comedian, although that would be an unconventional career path.
I’m talking about offering laugh therapy.
Enda Junkins developed LaughterTherapy.com. She distributes videos, DVDs, and books.
She also holds talks, workshops, and therapy sessions as the “Laughing Psychotherapist.”
Please note that she is a licensed clinical social worker with a master’s degree in social work.
If you’re a non-degreed comedian, you might be able to sell similar services, but you should consult a lawyer to see where the regulation boundary is drawn.
Help The Hungover
When the party ends, “Hangover Helpers” clean houses (usually for college students) and serve Gatorade and breakfast burritos.
They charge $20 per person, which sounds incredibly low for putting up with intoxicated individuals in a party disaster zone.
Perhaps there is a market for a more premium version of this service.
This is an excellent idea if you live in a college town!
How To Expand This Side Hustle
Since you’ll be supplying much-needed sustenance, you might as well charge a premium for “recovery meals” for the hungover.
You could start another meal prep business if you get the hang of it.
Cater To The Needs of Marijuana Users
With the legalization of marijuana in numerous places, new options exist to generate extra money by providing new services.
Forbes magazine recently covered the emergence of marijuana-friendly hotels and marijuana tourism companies.
It’s easier to plug into the market by providing information online as ColoradoPotGuide.com does.
Milk Snakes

Snake venom is “milked” and sold to laboratories, where it is used to create antivenin and develop new medications to treat various heart diseases.
Ken Darnell, a snake milker, works with about 200 dangerous snakes and plans to continue milking snakes for the rest of his life.
But before applying for the job, remember that it is risky.
Snakebites have put Jim Harrison, a snake milker at the Kentucky Reptile Zoo, on life support four times!
If you’ve had prior experience with our reptilian friends and have a penchant for danger, this could be the hustle for you!
Get Paid To Cuddle Those Lacking Human Contact

Did you know that professional cuddlers can make up to $80 per hour merely by cuddling with the lonely?
Cuddle Comfort and Cuddlist are two companies that help you connect with people looking for a cuddle.
This may be a little out of your comfort zone and, indeed, one of the weird ways to generate extra money, but it could be an excellent opportunity to meet new people and cuddle your way to financial freedom.
Get Rid of Your Vintage Mugs
Selling your coffee mugs on eBay was recently featured by The Penny Hoarder, and you might be shocked at how much folks are willing to pay for these items.
A Disney World coffee mug can cost $50 or more; some collectors will pay more than $250 for a specific profile.
Inspect your cupboards and see if there’s anything worth selling!
Share Your Crazy Life Stories
Make money off of your pain by sharing your bizarre life experiences!
Publications will pay $150-$700 for an excellent article if you tell them your story.
You can make money if you’re prepared to share the details of a bizarre or intriguing incident and be identified by name and picture.
You can earn even more money and spread your narrative wider by providing your story exclusively to one news outlet.
If you value privacy, some sites will buy your story without your personal information, so look for alternatives!
How To Expand This Side Hustle?
If you find out you have a talent for storytelling, you could monetize those skills and start writing fiction.
You could even be a ghostwriter for bloggers.
Sell Photos of Your Feet

You read that correctly: you can make money by selling photographs of your feet!
You may make $5 to $100 for each photo, which is cheap and quick money you could make by snapping a few pictures and putting them online.
How To Expand This Side Hustle
Once you have a sizable following, you could start selling your used socks and footwear.
You’ll have to accept the weird ways of your niche clientele.
Some may ask for heavily soiled items for more cash.
Beekeeping – One Of The Weirdest Ways To Make Money

Why not realize your cottagecore fantasy and become a beekeeper?
So many people are looking for fresh honey, and many of them want to buy it locally!
You’re in business once your bees start producing honey, and you can earn up to $15 per 12 oz. of love or per honeycomb.
People will purchase honey for consumption and honey-based goods such as facial treatments and lotions.
Honey may be used to manufacture various items, and it can even be used to start a local business.
Bear in mind that you’ll need to learn how to keep bees and wait for them to produce honey and money in the initial setup.
How To Expand This Side Hustle
If there’s a regular farmers’ market in your town, selling your honey could be a way to support your local economy.
Deal Jellyfish
Jellyfish may not be the most cuddly of pets, but they have a market and fetch a high price.
In reality, JellyFishArt.com’s most affordable kit is $330.
A customer receives one jellyfish, a tiny tank, and three months’ food for that.
What if you want to sell other aquatic creatures?
Well, I’m afraid you’re too late if you think selling pet oysters is a fresh business idea.
Make Eating Your Job

I’m sure you’ve seen those eating contests on TV.
If you’re a voracious eater, you might wonder if you can get in on the action and eat extreme amounts of food for the money.
If you’re curious, visit MajorLeagueEating.com for a schedule of forthcoming events and Wikipedia for a list of competitive eaters.
Several people have walked away with more than $100,000 in prize money.
Start practicing by boiling 50 eggs or hotdogs and try to scarf it all down.
This is a hazard; professional eaters often develop techniques to keep all this food down.
How To Expand This Side Hustle
You might also strive to become a Mukbanger.
Mukbang is a South Korean cuisine fad that has become popular.
The practice is consuming enormous amounts of food in front of a webcam to benefit internet viewers.
You can do it on YouTube or Twitch.
Remove Lice
According to the recruiting video on LiceDoctors.com, working as a lice removal technician is “fun and full of laughs.”
Somehow, I doubt that.
But at the very least, it’s a well-paying job.
As a freelance tech with LiceDoctors, you can earn up to $30 per hour going to people’s homes, plus mileage reimbursement.
You’ll labor up to five hours on each job, employing only all-natural, 100% effective techniques.
Manage Facebook Profiles of The Deceased
There may be a market for this service now that Facebook allows users to nominate a “legacy contact” to handle their pages after they pass away.
These companies have yet to emerge, but you could add this service to your repertoire if you’re already a social media manager.
Be A Professional Gamer

Kurtis Ling, better known as Aui2000, makes a living professionally playing video games.
He was previously ranked as the world’s 13th highest-paid gamer, but his $6.6 million winnings in the International DOTA 2 Championships could have propelled him to the top of the list.
A glance at a list of games with cash prizes reveals that money is still to be made.
Moreover, professional gamers frequently benefit from privileges such as free lodging and gaming systems.
If you’re particularly adept at video games, this could be a way to tell your parents that it isn’t silly to pursue a career in gaming.
How To Expand This Side Hustle
If your video game skills are not god-tier, you can continuously stream yourself playing video games.
This isn’t one of the more creative ways to make money anymore, as many folks make a living doing this on Twitch.
Spiritually Cleanse Spaces

Given the numerous examples of the service I saw online, spiritual home cleansing appears to be gaining popularity.
Folks want bad energy out of their homes so they can start afresh.
What’s weirder is that Lisas are currently dominating this industry.
Lisa Norton, Schell, Lisa Williams, and Lisa Rosati are there.
These women are some of the most prominent spiritual housecleaners out there.
So, if you’re Lisa and can cleanse bad juju, this is your sign.
Work As A Clown

Anyone can work as a clown.
There are no specific criteria to meet.
You don’t need to attend clown school (yes, that’s a thing) or be certified.
Dress up like a clown, polish your routine, and try to get bookings.
Clowns are often asked to perform balloon tricks and sing and dance to silly songs.
You could make decent money as a clown at private events like birthday parties.
Plus, because this is a unique area of emphasis, you may be able to discover new clients through referrals.
It’s not easy being a clown, but many clowns consider it a calling.
Perform On The Streets
You can also make money as a street performer if you reside in a city.
You can make over $100 daily if you have a skill such as playing the guitar, puppetry, or even break dancing.
It won’t be simple because you’ll have to devote most of your day to your performances.
Moreover, people will only pay money if you are exceptionally skilled at what you do.
Check for any local legislation or rules that may limit your ability to perform before you begin.
Some localities require street entertainers to be licensed, and I’m sure you don’t want to get a ticket.
Virtual Gold Farming
Some players in World of Warcraft earn their gold, while others purchase it.
According to the Guardian, virtual gold farmers in China provide buyers with this precious currency.
Hundreds of thousands of employees may be playing various games to gain virtual gold and other commodities that their employers sell to gamers in other countries.
It may be lucrative, but the hours are grueling, even if all you have to do is play video games.
You can say bye-bye to your social life unless all your friends are gold farmers, too.
Ice Sculpting
You’ve probably seen exquisite ice sculptures at gatherings and wondered whether you could make them yourself.
So, how much do these ice sculptors make for these masterpieces?
Since each project is unique, most ice sculptors do not advertise costs online.
On the other hand, Sculpted Ice Works has a price range that starts at $425 to $475 for a single-block sculpture and goes higher.
As you can see, this is one of the more lucrative ways to make money on this list.
If you’re willing to take up a new trade and have a natural flair for sculpting, you could make a fortune supplying event decorations.
Be A Stand-in Patient
To train new doctors, fake patients, often known as “standardized patients,” are often hired by medical institutions.
Gabrielle Nuki’s NPR profile says it’s essentially an acting job.
While medical students examine her, the 16-year-old is paid $15 to $20 per hour to perform various “parts.”
You can find this work at many medical colleges if you can act and don’t mind being pushed and prodded by aspiring doctors.
Put Your Pet To Work As A Model
If you think your furry companion is as adorable as you say it is, it might be time to monetize that cuteness.
Winning competitions with Kitty or Fido is one method to make money, but making your cat a YouTube or Instagram celebrity may be a more straightforward path.
Many pet parents have made as much as $100,000 doing this, and their pets are occasionally included in large commercial campaigns.
Sell Deer Urine
Sam Collora makes a living as a pee farmer.
He has a herd of over 100 deer (and a few elk) that he collects urine from.
He charges $15.50 for a two-ounce bottle of pee.
Hunters purchase it to attract deer.
Are you not sure you have enough room for a deer herd?
You may sell the urine of other animals.
Predator Pee, for example, sells anything from bear urine to coyote urine.
You could even dip your toes in this business if your dog is part wolf!
Hold Someone’s Place In Line
Because no one enjoys waiting, some people will pay you to keep their place in line while they do something else.
Some New Yorkers wait in line for popular Broadway musical tickets, which has been a popular job.
To stand in line for someone else, you can charge a flat amount, as much as $100, or an hourly rate.
When you’re compensated for every minute you wait in line, I’m sure you’d mind it a lot less!
Sell Your Breast Milk

Women who don’t have the time or cannot breastfeed their newborns are willing to pay top dollar for natural breast milk.
If you’re already producing a surplus, you could make many selling some online.
Onlythebreast.com, for example, allows you to publish an ad and wait for a response from someone needing breast milk.
You can make big money because one ounce of milk costs $1.
How To Expand This Side Hustle
Eventually, you will stop lactating but may still want to continue your breast milk business.
You could invite other lactating mothers to sell their milk, and you could act as a middle-man of sorts.
Open A Dog Daycare
TPH has covered the industry of pet sitting, and the majority of the employment entails visiting animals in their homes.
Still, drop-off pet daycare is in high demand.
Even PetSmart offers a doggie day camp, allowing owners to leave their pets in a secure environment at work.
You may become certified as a dog daycare owner for just $100 and start your own business.
“Pet parents” are willing to pay exorbitant amounts to have their fur babies looked after and treated like kindergarten children.
Pet parents typically spoil their babies in weird ways.
Work As A Nude Model
Different body shapes are needed for art class models at local institutions and universities.
You can make money by posing naked for art students for a few hours.
All you have to do is sit and make between $20 and $40 each hour.
You’ll also get to see some stunning artwork created from your image.
This isn’t one of the weirder ways to make money since this gig has existed for a long time.
Still, it might not be something you’ll happily divulge at a dinner party.
Find Weird Job Openings On Craigslist
If you’re seeking unusual ways to get money, visit a website like Craigslist and check for casual employment openings.
Craigslist is known for posting odd jobs, and you’ll almost certainly discover some unexpected methods to get money there, primarily if you reside in a big city.
I’ve encountered weird ways to make money on the platform, including pretending to be someone’s significant other and being asked to clean a house in the nude.
Just keep an eye out for fraud, and stay safe.
Clicking links and going away from Craigslist to untrustworthy sites should also be avoided.
Final Thoughts
Making personal finance decisions is never rarely straightforward.
You have to be a little weird at times to make a living. And there’s no problem with that.
The suggestions listed above are legitimate and can assist you in making money when you need it.
It would help if you looked outside your comfort zone for new ways to make money.
If none of them are your cup of tea, keep in mind that there are alternatives that shouldn’t be too difficult to pursue.
All you need is a little creativity boost and determination.
Good luck, and stay weird!
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