“I feel lost and don’t want to continue the career I have now. I am no longer motivated to work for promotions, incentives, salary increases, or even bonuses. In fact, I don’t want to work for anyone anymore.”
Have you had this feeling before?
We dreamt of the careers that we have now, so aren’t we supposed to do that? Aren’t we supposed to be pumped about the path we chose?
When we’re young teachers, ask us, “What do you want to be when you grow up?”
And as we grow older, our newfound question when we meet a stranger is “So, what do you do?”
It seems to be what now defines us.
But it shouldn’t be that way.
I want young people (and older ones for that matter) to take a deep breath.
Let it all out.
A sigh of relief.
Because if you don’t know this answer at 18, it’s ok.
In fact, I think we do our young people a terrible disservice by shipping them off to college when they have no idea what they want to do for the rest of their lives.
And why should you?
I mean, you’re 18 (or maybe 80).
Life is about the journey.
I mean, have you asked if you should even go to college?
What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?
During back-to-school seasons, photos of little kids flood our Facebook Newsfeeds. Most of them welcome the first day of elementary, middle, and high school with a toothy grin.
Usually, on the first day of classes, students do activities as an introduction. Some of these activities require students to state their name, grade level, and their dream job.
It’s fascinating to see the jobs they want to pursue when they grow up. Some want to be teachers, policemen, firefighters, doctors, athletes, ballerinas, and Youtubers.
Now let me ask you the same thing. When you were at that age, how did you answer the question, “What do you want to be when you grow up?”
As for me, if I’m going to look back when I answered this very same question, I reevaluate the question again. It suddenly feels a bit scary.
Why do we need to ask children about the future jobs that they want to pursue? Why can’t we ask them about the things they are passionate about or what they enjoy doing?
Instead of asking them, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” why don’t we ask them, “What do you want? What excites you when you do it? What makes you feel the most alive?”
Why Are We Too Caught Up On Kid’s Future Careers?
Most of us focus too much on our children’s future career jobs. Why can’t we ask them questions that can broaden their perspective?
Here are questions that we should practice asking them:
What do you want to study and learn in life?
What do you want to achieve?
Who do you want to help the most?
What makes you happy?
What motivates and excites you?
Instead of asking kids for a specific career that they want to pursue when they grow up, ask them questions that can extend their potential.
Looking back at that school activity, I can see why our careers affected us when we grew older.
“What do you want to be when you’re older?” is a question that is too money-centered. Come to think of it, when we ask this to kids, we are also asking them how they will earn money when they grow older?
I think it’s about time that we ask them, “What kind of person do you want to be?” and “What do you truly treasure?”
This question focuses more on what life they want to create in the future.
I Don’t Want A Job
Maybe you’re an adult and you just feel stuck.
“I don’t want to work for anyone anymore.”
You feel stuck in your career – your job – your position – your path.
It’s not too late to change. In fact, the time is now.
Will people (friends and family) talk about you and ask you what in the heck you’re doing?
Sure they will.
But are you living for you or for them?
It’s time for you to decide.
Time to figure out some money-making ideas so that you can take control of your own future!
My Career Does Not Define Me.
I believe, as most of us experienced, pursuing a career after graduation made us feel accomplished.
It’s like the validation we wanted ever since we’re young was finally there.
We want to show people that we’re capable of doing what society wants us to.
We drown ourselves with work so that we can feel satisfied.
The amount of work we can finish and the ability to solve a problem that only we can do begins to define us.
People begin to compliment us.
It makes us feel good.
Our salary increases and so do our self-esteem and self-worth.
When you’re busy, people think that it’s a good thing.
“How are you doing?”
“Oh, you know, just busy busy busy.”
We can trick ourselves to think that stress is equal to success. This is easy to do.
With persistence, you can accomplish much. And you can be proud of these things. You should be.
But is it giving you peace?
Is it what you want?
Maybe you just don’t want to have a career.
And that’s ok.
I Don’t Want To Have A Career Anymore.
Of course, it can be good to have a career.
A career can provide you with a track record to possibly become financially free.
We’re able to learn new skills, meet new people and work with smart folks.
But if you’re saying “I don’t want to work for anyone anymore” to yourself then it’s time to begin exploring options.
I think work is extremely important.
We were created to do work – whether that’s taking care of a family, building things, or working in an office.
My wife knows that I’ll probably never retire.
I enjoy creating too much. I’ll continue chasing the adventure of life.
I Want A Career Where I Don’t Overthink
Don’t stress from working.
I don’t think it’s worth it.
You should enjoy it.
Maybe not every day.
But at least you should have an overarching sense that you’re a part of something bigger than yourself.
You could pick an easy job where you won’t have to think too much.
But what’s the fun in this?
Don’t you want to at least be challenged?
Grow yourself as a person
A Job or A False Hope?
Are the jobs out there that are easy and pay well but don’t require too much stress?
What about a job that keeps you fit?
Maybe one that has regular hours so that you can have a healthy sleep schedule?
One that doesn’t put you in danger?
A job that won’t require you to work on a pile of work with strict deadlines?
If you don’t want to work only for money and added stress and anxiety then start thinking of these things.
So, should you follow your heart even though it won’t pay as much as other jobs?
I Don’t Want to Work
I know that some of you can relate to this dilemma. If you’re reading this article, then you don’t want to work anymore too.
The pandemic has changed us in ways that we didn’t expect. It made us rethink the career we have and if we still enjoy pursuing it.
I know it’s hard.
You need the job to pay bills.
It’s hard to let go of your career to pursue the life you want.
It can be scary.
First, change your lifestyle. Don’t buy things you don’t need and live more cheaply than you are. When your expenses decrease, so does your dependency on a high salary.
Second, place the money you earn from working into your bank account and let it grow.
Most of us can’t easily quit working because we still haven’t created enough income to work on its own (me included). I have to work still, which is fine.
But faster you start living a simple life, the earlier you can quit working.
What To Do If I Don’t Want a Career?
“I don’t want to have a career anymore.” What if I don’t want to work?
Should I go ahead with the plan to find a job that does not require too much thinking, or not look for a job at all?
“Can I find a job that doesn’t force me to climb up the corporate ladder to earn money?
Is there an alternative way to have a high-paying job?”
There definitely are. And don’t worry, it’s not uncommon to change careers multiple times.
I have multiple articles that I’ve written about making extra income.
How to Make an Extra $1,000 a Month
You don’t have to have all the answers.
You just need to take the next step.
Keep in touch and let me know how you go!