Launching your first blog is tough. I’m not even gonna try to lie.
You might get stuck trying to figure out what your blog should be about.
Can you make profitable content from topics you’re passionate about?
Let’s see…

Guidelines For Picking The Right Blog Type
Before we get to the niches, let’s cover some guidelines to help you make your choice.
Sure, you can write about anything you want. But some niches are much more profitable than others.
1. The size of your audience directly correlates to the amount of money you can make.
Your audience must be large enough to support your revenue goals.
Not everyone is concerned about earning enough to replace day jobs.
But you still need an audience.
2. There must be a demand for the content you want to produce.
Hopefully, this one is obvious.
Competition isn’t always a bad thing.
It’s a good indicator that your audience exists for the types of blogs that produce money.
Sidenote: if you’re trying to figure out what it costs to run a blog, then we have this article for you or you can watch below…
3. Cater to your audience.
Even with wholesome intentions, it’s natural to want to write for yourself. However, not writing for a specific audience tends to alienate your potential readers.
You have to make your content appealing and not come off as braggy or too personal. If the topic you have in mind doesn’t involve sharing information that would be helpful to others, it’s a no-go.
4. You need to have some ideas on how to make the blog profitable.
What does this mean? Let’s say you’re into yoga, which is a wildly popular topic. Right off the bat, you should have some sense of how to monetize yoga-related content.
For example, you’d have the option to push yoga apparel, equipment, and courses. To do so, you’d need some credibility.
People aren’t going to support content creators who don’t really know what they’re talking about.
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Types of Blogs That Make Money
Okay, now we’ve got the guidelines covered. Let’s get to the blog types themselves. Please keep in mind that this is not an exhaustive list.
If the type of blog you want isn’t listed here, it doesn’t mean you won’t generate money. This is a list of the most lucrative blogging opportunities.
Travel blogs, for example, are not included on the list. That isn’t to say that you can’t generate money from a travel blog. Some people have done so successfully, and it isn’t easy at all.
It would be best if you visited the places you’re writing about to be credible. It would help if you frequently travel, which costs time and money.
Your blog topic should be about something that a lot of people care about. Consider human needs and recall what you remember about Abraham Maslow.
You’re on the correct route if you’re blogging about a topic with broad appeal. For example, blogs that provide answers to people’s anxieties about safety, health, or becoming a better version of themselves are excellent ideas.
Health and Fitness
You’d be the most prosperous person on earth if you knew the secret to perpetual youth. Health and fitness will always be one of the top types of blogs that make money.
Health has always been and will continue to be a human fixation, no matter how unhealthy we all become.
Fit people are thought to be better at finding a mate. So you’ve found something that plays neatly into Maslow’s hierarchy of wants. Jackpot! Health and fitness is a terrific topic with a lot of potential for profit.
I do have one stipulation. If you want to rank highly on Google, you should avoid blogging about health. When it comes to health matters, Google is a big fan of authority.
So, unless you have the necessary credentials, be cautious about your posts. Then back them up with quotes and references from authoritative sources.
Hustles and Personal Finance
Personal finance can include economic living and money-making methods. Be warned that there are blogs that make a quick buck by altering earnings reports.
People start blogs, exaggerate their earnings, and fail to indicate that they spend a lot of money on advertising. Then they claim to have “the answer” to generating cash from hustles.
However, if you want to be honest, legitimate personal finance blogs are an excellent method to make money. Personal finance blogs are simple to monetize.
Some of my content falls under the personal finance category. Personal finance is for sure one of the types of blogs that make money.
Food and Good Eats
You should be noticing a pattern trend in blogging if you haven’t already: the rise of food blogs.
Food has always been and will continue to be a popular blogging topic. There are a lot of aspiring amateur cooks out there who wish to improve their cooking talents.
Moreover, I believe it is safe to state that 99% of the world’s population enjoys food. This is a subject that will always be in demand.
You’re on to a winner if you can come up with menus and shoot great food images. You’d have a winning blog when you add in the extra bonuses of healthy eating or even healthy eating.
Weight Loss and Dieting
Diet and nutrition is a closely related topic that follows closely after food and fitness. Although there is a lot of overlap, there are also slight variances in the audience.
Long-term dieters are less likely to enjoy exercise. The audiences for these two topics are frequently dissimilar. Diet blogs are divided into numerous subcategories based on the target audience.
Bloggers in this category should be well familiar with their target audience. These people are concerned with losing some pounds and keeping them off.
Crafts and DIY Projects

Making stuff and being creative is a huge trend right now. It’s a place that has mostly escaped the effects of our modern existence.
It’s prevalent among young professionals and homeowners. Etsy and Pinterest, if anything, have jump-started this craze.
DIY is an excellent option if you enjoy producing things. You can write how-to guides, make video clips, and take great images of your projects.
Interior Design and Home Decor
Although this topic overlaps with DIY and creating, it is deserving of its own. The importance of home décor is enormous!
When you think about it, it’s hardly unexpected. The majority of individuals own homes and want to make the most of them.
This topic might range from do-it-yourself to high-end interior design. They’re all useful in their own way.
Many of these blogs are about interior design, life tips, and house remodeling on a budget. We’ve also seen a lot of mom blogs make the switch to this industry.
People are constantly moving, and they frequently turn to the internet for advice on how to furnish their new houses.
If you’re interested in fixer-uppers, interior design blogs might be helpful because you can record your projects. Then you can share your records.
Updating furnishings could be a more straightforward way to start an interior design blog. This is also a popular area on Pinterest and YouTube. You could incorporate these platforms into your content marketing strategy to boost your monthly earnings.
Remember to follow all of the guidelines for a lifestyle blog and write about things that people are interested in. It would help if you focused on providing helpful advice.
It’s a myth that because it’s a lifestyle blog, you can write about anything. Homesteading and survival are two of the most popular lifestyle subjects right now.
Both of these sorts of money-making blogs are about self-sufficiency. You can bank on being driven by a desire for a minimalist life and the other by our natural desire for stability.
Because there will always be someone who fits the demographic you target, lifestyle blogs are tremendously profitable. However, it may seem odd to continue blogging about college ten years after graduating, which is something to consider.
One of the advantages of lifestyle blogging is that your demographic can shift as you get older.
Sponsored posts, selling digital products, and advertising, and affiliate marketing are all ways for lifestyle bloggers to generate money.
Fashion, Beauty, and Self-Care
If you have a distinct style, flaunt it. Your holy grail will be Instagram. It’s a demanding field, but if you have the right personality, the rewards can be enormous.
For many people, a lifestyle blog that includes fashion and cosmetics is a far more convenient option. However, you can focus on a very niche topic too.
You can blog about fashion in a number of different ways. You may do things like write fashion reviews, talk about current trends, and show off different looks for the season.
Fashion bloggers, in particular, have grown in popularity on social media. This can lead to a slew of sponsored post opportunities, which can help you earn a little more cash.
It would be best if you never established a blog merely to receive free things. However, beauty bloggers are notorious for receiving lots of new free products to feature in their posts. As your following grows, you might achieve legendary influencer status.
Sponsored social media postings, affiliate marketing, and advertising are how most bloggers generate money in this field.
For the majority of folks, parenting is the most challenging task they will undertake. From the moment little Timmy is born until he leaves home, his life is a nonstop roller coaster.
There’s a lot at risk when it comes to parenting, and there are no easy answers. It’s no surprise that Mom Blogs have been so popular and are still in high demand.
Parents want all the help they can get. Some people out there will appreciate your take on parenting issues.
Personal Development
When it comes to money-making blogs, this is the one where it’s the easiest to make a mistake. It’s easy to overlook who you’re writing for or to write without a clear goal in mind.
The best method to make this type of blog successful is to include a mission statement on the homepage. “I’ll help you shed pounds” or “I’ll help you build your self-esteem.”
If you get it right, it’s a fantastic choice of a blog. Bloggers have a habit of getting off subject and focusing on their own problems. If you stay on subject, it works.
News and Politics
People are fascinated by their surroundings. They want to be informed about what is going on around the globe.
Of course, there are large news organizations that can fulfill this essential need. However, an increasing number of internet bloggers are offering their take on the news.
In addition, a slew of new blogs have emerged, each offering a unique perspective on the events.
Everyone is getting into the news industry, thanks to the rise of social media networks like Facebook. Niche tech blogs, for example, are breaking real-world technology news.
This was once only reserved for the leading newspapers and perhaps a few periodicals. But now, it’s everyone’s game.
Tech and Gaming
You may want to consider launching a technology-related blog. This can be a very profitable blog niche, mainly because technology is continually evolving. Young people want to stay on top of the latest trends.
Tech reviews are the most typical approach to start a technology blog. People want to know if buying an expensive piece of equipment is worthwhile. Your consistent evaluations could be pretty valuable for that market.
Video games are another significant subset of the technology umbrella. This can be computer games or games for another platform. It can bring a lot of traffic to your website, especially from gamers. Affiliate income is a typical way to make money with this type of blog.
Related Reading: How to Make $10,000 a month – Read Here
Final Thoughts
Hopefully, this post has assisted you in identifying successful blog ideas. You should now be closer to selecting a profitable niche.
Hard work and consistency are essential when it comes to blogging. So stay on top of the current trends, learn about SEO, and start monetizing as soon as possible.
Remember that being enthusiastic about a subject is insufficient. Until you become an entrepreneur, you must think like one.